Day 9: Navadurga Sidhhidatri
The ninth day of Navratri is dedicated to Durga Siddhidatri. She is the ninth form of Goddess Navadurga i.e. nine forms of Hindu goddess Durga. Siddhidatri means grantor of wishes/siddhis. She bestowed 18 kinds of power upon Lord Shiva, which enabled him to create Lord Vishnu (protection) and in turn Lord Brahma (creation) was created.
The custom of ‘Kanjake’ is performed by majority of people on Navami (ninth) day instead of Ashtmi (eighth day). After this puja only, women break their fast. And during Chaitra Navratri (March-April), this ninth day is celebrated as Ram Navami, i.e. the day of birth of Lord Rama.
Color: Sky Blue
Representation: Act of Giving
Offering: Grains
Navratri 2023: 30th March 2023 (Chaitra Navratri)
Navratri 2023: 23rd October 2023 (Sharad Navratri)
सीधहागंधरवेख़्श्धेरसुराइरमरायरआपी |
सेव्यामाना सदा भूयत सिद्धिडा सिद्धिदायिनी ||Sidhhagandharvaykhshadhersurairmarairapi |
Sevya Mana Sada Bhooyat Siddhida Siddhidayini ||